Bigger Than Business:
Podcast Interviews

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Small Business

Workforce Trends and Drivers (with Daniel Pullin)

How can companies struggling with an employment landscape that is “opportunity long and talent short” attract future team members for the long haul? How can nurturing an emotional connection for your existing team to your company’s values position your company to attain the best, right-fit employees? What are the differences between Millennials and Generation Z, coming out of colleges today, and how can understanding those differences give you an edge in your talent management strategy?

Planning for Successful Succession (with Phil Clemens)

How important is a succession plan to your company’s health? What are the challenges to putting one into place? How can business owners and founders step outside of their egos, face the idea of being replaced, and ask the hard questions on future leadership?

Turning Your Family Business into a Business Family (with Phil Clemens)

What is the difference between a Family Business and a Business Family? How can transitioning from one to the other while reaffirming the family mission and values take a company from declining profits to being a billion-dollar business?

Jumping Off a Cliff (with Ty Smith)

How do you start your private equity real estate business from scratch and build a portfolio worth over $1.2 billion dollars in only six years? How do you build a reputation of integrity in an industry fraught with risks? What inspires someone to ‘jump off a cliff’ and become an entrepreneur in the midst of a financial crisis?

You Either Make Dust, or Eat Dust (with David Q. Sargent)

How can you be successful in today’s world without a formal college education? And how can the power of helping your employees flourish help the tide lift all boats for the success of the company and the community?

Building the Backbone of America (with Clay Trantham)

How do you go from having negative net worth to being a top industrialist? What does it take to be at the forefront of "Building America" while constantly innovating to keep your companies competitive? And how do you do it all while dealing with family illness and other challenges along the way?

Getting the Organization You Want (with Rand Stagen)

What does it mean to engage in ‘conscious leadership’? How can decompartmentalizing your life make you a more effective leader? And why should you be grateful for the people in your life who affect your emotions negatively?

Determination and Conquering Others’ Preconceptions (with Elyse Dickerson)

How do you conquer a learning disability to attain and exceed your ambitious goals? How do you persist on achieving when others are convinced you will fail?

Innovating to Thrive, and Giving Back (with Larry J. Rybka)

How do you continually innovate to keep your company relevant and thriving? How do you assemble a team capable of taking what you’ve built into the future? How can the Golden Rule shape your business and affect change throughout the world?

Overcoming Adversity (with Bill Mahomes)

What kind of mindset and attitude does it take to prevail over racial strife and a stuttering disorder to become a respected attorney who serves on many prestigious boards and committees? How can the lessons of one man’s past apply to today’s tense climate?