The most cost-efficient way to make real progress when faced with complex holdings.

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The Results Accelerator System™

Clients rely on TCCR to help ensure their business ventures fuel their personal visions rapidly, yet reliably. Hence our motto, Destination Known®.

Our Results Accelerator System™ brings the two components of your wealth into alignment. This produces a confidence that the actions taken on both sides move you toward what truly matters most.

I know my business, but family wealth is different. It’s so nice to have someone explain the finer points of financial angles without ever feeling like you’re being schooled.’

How We Do It

Far more than a financial “project manager,” we serve as a trusted and highly experienced thought partner in evaluating strategies to fulfil your vision. Additionally, we provide the structure for rapidly assessing the upside and downside of each new initiative. This translates your ideas into action without delay.

Benefits of The Results Accelerator System™ include:

  • TCCR facilitates the regular meetings with your Advisory Crew™ to consider new options and evaluate the impact of your previous decisions. Drawing on our depth of experience, this is where TCCR can propose new ideas that lower the cost of attaining results.
  • Your advisors work in unison rather than in silos, providing them a view beyond their own discipline.
  • Every recommendation is carefully evaluated in light of its impact on your goals and the broader picture. Then TCCR provides you with the consensus opinion to consider, with any conflicts or contraindications already resolved. You receive plans that are ready to implement.

Coordinating all the various advisors and professionals I’m trying to work with is great. Even better, TCCR evaluates all the work product to make sure it’s actually going to accomplish what I need it to before I sign off.’

NEXT: Learn about the tool that organizes all your initiatives and holdings to keep everyone on the same page.